As Assquire investors can reside anywhere in Australia or overseas, this form is to be completed by mortgage brokers anywhere in Australia and is for registering your details so that Haigslea Residential
Limited (HRL) can send you information on how to obtain an Assquire Broker Licence (ABL) from HRL.
Why We Need This
This is an important part of our quality control process before educating you further on the Assquire system criteria for investors seeking higher monthly yields
and similarly for HRL potentially referring Assquire investors' enquiries to you (under an NCCP referral agreement) for you to assist HRL's own investor clients to secure a conventional mortgage on terms that will meet the investor's
contractual obligations in re-selling to a Mortgage Alternative (MA) home buyer.
Once we have this information, taking these referrals will be quicker and easier in future, using your Broker ID.
This form is not for Financial Planners or Accountants or other independent advisers. See separate form under "Partner log in" menu.
By submitting this form, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions. Holders of an ABL hold no interest in the Assquire
or Mortgage Alternative Products or IP rights licensed by Haigslea Residential Limited and/or owned by Mortgage Alternative Pty Ltd,
save that they can use the Licence granted in their advice to investors or home buyers (as the circumstances relate) for the sale or purchase
of the residential properties (initially in Queensland only) and only those Properties specifically covered by the Licence, being those listed or to be listed for sale on this website.
The licensee must not use the Assquire Contract of Sale or any other Associated Documents for any other transaction or in relation to any
other Property or its financing without the written consent of HRL, which consent may be withheld in the absolute discretion of HRL.
Other terms and conditions for issue by HRL of an ABL will be discussed with you as part of the licence application process.