Please complete the information below, in order that we can upload your details to our database.

Once completed and received by us, we will issue you a username and password to access our Partner log-in area where the process in future for submitting developments and property listings will be faster and more streamlined.

  • Builder Information

    This form is to be completed only by licensed builders and is for registering your details so that Mortgage Alternative Pty Ltd (MAPL) can send you an Offer to List letter and an Offer to apply for a Builder Assquire Licence (BAL) from MAPL.

    This is the process for listing your properties for sale to prospective Assquire investors.

    Once we have this information, listing your properties will be quicker and easier in future, using a Developer ID.

    This form is not for Project Marketers or Real Estate Agencies selling for Mums and Dads. See separate form under "Become a Seller" menu.

    By submitting this form, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Holders of a BAL issued by MAPL hold no interest in the Assquire or Mortgage Alternative Products or IP rights owned by Mortgage Alternative Pty Ltd and/or licensed by Haigslea Residential Limited save that they can use the BAL Licence granted in their sale of the residential properties in Australia specifically covered by the Licence and listed on this website.

    The licensee must not use the Assquire Contract of Sale and other Associated Documents for any other transaction or in relation to any other Property without the written consent of MAPL, which consent may be withheld in the absolute discretion of MAPL.

    Other terms and conditions for issue of a BAL will be discussed with you as part of the listing process.
  • 0 of 150 max characters
  • Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Please insert up to 2 names (one per line) and their contact mobile numbers so that our Training staff can contact them. Please also provide their Sales Registration Certificate numbers per Property Occupations Act.
  • Please provide enough detail to cover the particular stage that you are seeking to promote, and to allow us to contextualise it - e.g. second stage 60 lots price point $450,000 to $600,000. Completion date circa 6 months from now.
  • Please include date of issue by Council of Decision Notice - or Other Evidence of your Ownership of the Land.
  • Upload a copy of certificate of title.
  • Before submitting the form please complete the security verification below.